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Orders and Quotes

[1] Document Setup

[2] Manage Calculators

[3] Manage FOB

[4] Manage Manufacturers

[5] Manage Order Load

[6] Manage Payment Types

[7] Manage Sales People

[8] Manage Sales Tax Items

[9] Manage Sales Tax Rate

[10] Manage Shipping Types

[11] Manage Stages

[12] Manage Tax Groups

[13] Manage Terms

[14] Order Settings

[15] Quick Order Settings

[16] Sales Dashboard Admin

[1] Document Setup :

From this screen you can setup the headers and footers to be printed on the Quotes/Orders/Invoices etc. You can setup the document individually or you can setup for Global which applies to all the prints.

[2] Manage Calculators :


Here you can add / edit dimension unit and default piece size for each calculator.

[3] Manage FOB :

Here you can add / update FOB (Free On Board) type and code.

[4] Manage Manufacturers :

On this page, you can edit the existing manufacturer or add new ones.

[5] Manage Order Load :

Here you can add / edit Order Load and Order Class.

[6] Manage Payment Types :

This page allows you to add and edit payment types and its account number.

[7] Manage Sales People :

Here you add new sales person name with commission by Clicking on ‘Add New’. You can mark the sales person inactive by clicking on the check box.

[8] Manage Sales Tax Items :

Here you can add / edit Sales Tax Agency, Sales Tax Groups, Sales Tax Items with Tax Rate and Account Number.

[9] Manage Sales Tax Rate :


From this screen you can specify the Tax rate based on state. If you want to overwrite a tax based on city then click on City to specify Tax rate per city and further down on the page tax rates for the zip codes by clicking on Zip within a city.

[10] Manage Shipping Types :


Here you can add / edit shipping type with its SCAC code and EASI ship code. You can also add Shipping Account Number for particular shipping types.

[11] Manage Stages :

You can setup stages for each Quote, Order, Production, Events, POs and Invoices from this page. The stage is then used to identify the process. So it is easy to know which stage the activity is going through. The stages can be sorted based on the number and deleted as well.

[12] Manage Tax Groups :


Here you can add / edit / delete Tax Group. You can save receivable account number and add products under this tax group. By clicking on Manage Products link takes you to manage tax products page. You can add or delete products for that particular tax group.

You can add individual products or an entire category of products from this screen by clicking on respective links ‘Add Products’ or ‘Add Entire Category’. Then you can define the products as Taxable or Non-Taxable by clicking on the radio button. For example, if a product is taxable then a tax will be automatically rendered to the Sales Order/Quote for this customer. The tax is based on shipping address of the customer. The Tax is determined from the Sales Tax Rate Manager. If the product is not taxable then the tax will not be calculated for that product on the sales order.

[13] Manage Terms :

Here you can define the terms with due days which you can be assigned to the customers which will be set as default terms for that customer. Also you can change the term for a particular quote/order by changing the terms on that quote/order.

[14] Order Settings :

Here you can define visibility, requirement and default values of fields used on order page.

[15] Quick Order Settings :

Here you can define visibility and default values of few important fields used on order page.

[16] Sales Dashboard Admin :

On this page, you can make a sales staff inactive or active staff unavailable. You can also set a score for a sales staff.

Copyright 2018 Aegis Commerce Solutions

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