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Customer Selection / Creation

Selecting An Existing Customer

To select an existing customer, type part of the customer's name or customer number. Matching customers will be shown after 3 characters have been entered.

Click or tap on the result of the customer search to select that customer.

You can also create an order or quote for an existing customer from the Customers page by using the add order/quote buttons next to each customer.

You can also add an order/quote for a customer through their customer detail page:

Adding A New Customer

To add a new customer, click the New Customer button, to the right of the customer search.

This will open a window to fill in the customer details. When you are finished, click on Create.

On the Basic info tab, you can select if the customer is an individual or company. For an individual, fill in first and last name. Company name is optional for an individual. If you select Company for the type, then only Company Name will be shown (and is required).

You can also enter an email address and one or more phone numbers. Select the type of Phone number from the Phone dropdown to specify additional phone numbers and their type.

On the Bill To and Ship To tabs, you can specify the bill to/ship to address:

You can copy the Bill To info to the Ship To info by clicking on Copy to Ship To. There is the same option on the Ship To tab to Copy to Bill To.

The Additional tab allows you to specify additional options for the customer:

Terms are the invoice terms for the customer.
Price Profile selectes which pricing profile to use for the customer. If left to No Pricing Profile, the customer will use your standard pricing defined for the products.
Salesperson selects which Salesperson to assign to the customer.
Sales Tax Group selects which sales tax group to use for the customer.

Copyright 2018 Aegis Commerce Solutions

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